Friday, May 29, 2009

damianne... do you have a boyfriend??? argh!!!!

so it started with the most boring holloween party i've ever since the birth of the damn occasion... got a friend who invited me over to this party in manila... i think this is the 3rd holloween stint i've attended to this year... he told me it's going to start at 9pm so i decided to be a bit late just to make sure that it's already pumped up... but behold... i was the second guy who got there... WTF!!!

the place was a bit dark... they made it that way to make room for the revolving lights and flashing flood lamps... it was quite cool at first but then this really old guy who looks like the CRYPT KEEPER!!! (reminds me of jamie lee curtis in freaky friday) who suddenly took control of the music and popped in a horrific 70's or 80's rave disco (i dont know what the hell you call it) music!!! and everybody seemed nostalgic and started to have fun...

again WTF!!!!????

so like the little ole me... i pretended to be polite and just smiled my way through the night... and with 5 shots of tequila (which is the answer to all the world's questions...) the night because more and more bearable...

and there's this cute guy who offered his services...

to drop me home... bwahahaha... (you dirty little perverts!!!!)

so that's the friday well spent... geeezzzz...

i woke up really late the next day... around 2:30 in the afternoon... i got tons of messages in my phone and one of them reminded me that some of my MBA classmates where about to go to my place to finalize our report that's the due the following monday... i got up as soon as everything sank in my brains and took a quick shower... a couple of hours later two of my girl group mates were knocking at my door...

they brought pizza and pasta!!! (heaven sent these two over grown angels...) so the meal i was having a problem thinking where to get just dropped by my place... hehehehe...

so after the meal we started brianstorming and made revisions and tweaked the powerpoint presentation we were about to give in class... and then one of them asked me something that made my weekend of weirdness complete...

girl 1: ummm... she's about to ask you something dame...

dame: what about?

girl 2: i'm kinda shy to ask...

OMG!!! i have this gut feeling i know what was about to come out of those perky little mouth of that girl...

OKAY... rewind!!! lemme give you a bit of background... i'm usually not out to strangers... i mean, if they ask me i would certainly not deny my being gay... but as long as i'm not fucking you... it's NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS... and most of my MBA classmate either doesn't have a clue or they just too polite to assume... CONTROVERSIAL is the exact word for it... and it's beginning to get old!!!

going back to the story...

dame: what is it?

girl 2: do you have a boyfriend?

i was on the verge of bursting out my silliest laugh... but thank got i got control of my self and answered back with some may think made the CONTROVERSY even worse!

dame: nope... why are you planning on something?

there a moment of silence and work on the project just resumed... talk about weird people just appearing from no where... i mean... come on!!! of all people i thought these MBA classmates of mine where smarter than the rest of the young working class in manila... i thought they were the ones who could get away with anything so subtly you'll never know what hit you...

but this was too lame... and that made me a bit frustrated... they could have just directly asked... "DAME ARE YOU GAY?" there end of story... a simple yes or no would clear the dense air that has been clouding them ever since day one in our class... and for the love of G!!!! a question like that just being thrown in the air just to appease their freaking curiosity is way to... NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS to me... (well... it's a different story if a cute guy would ask me that... hahahaha... come on... give me a break!!!)

end of it all... i cant do anything as of now because we need to work as a team and anything resembling to frustration and resentment might risk our team some precious Business Law grades...

i guess they finally decided to say sorry when they left the rest of the pizza and pasta with me... so after they left i've been munching them the whole saturday night...

i just can't wait to see them again on monday... i'm just eager to see how the rumors will spread... RUMORS??? i mean... FACTS will spread... hihihihi...

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